My Story alt
my Story
To share what I see through the camera and thereby make connections, real and imagined, between the viewer and the people, communities and lands that I have had the privilege to visit.
Statement of Photography
A photograph captures a unique moment in time. I seek to create images that are visually compelling, bringing composition, color, light and shadow working together to draw the eye and stir the imagination.
My Photography Journey
Since retiring from a career as a consultant, photography has become my primary avocation. Over the past ten years I have combined photography with travel, visiting nineteen countries, the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. I have had the opportunity to meet and photograph people in the places they live, work, and play. I have also viewed the majestic beauty of some very special places on earth.
My interest in photography began as a youth in Minnesota. I had a Brownie Hawkeye camera and learned to develop my own images. In the early 1970’s my interest in photography was reignited during the eight years my wife, Julie, and I lived in New York City. I put together a darkroom that I set up in the small kitchen of our Bronx apartment. I had a Canon FTb and later a Leica / Minolta CL, both great cameras.
In the mid-1970’s Julie and I moved to the Boston area. I joined a small consulting firm focused on strategic planning and organizational work with the leaders of hospitals and health care systems. With the advent of career and family, my photography was primarily focus on the activities of our two children and family vacations.
After thirty years as a consultant I retired and began spending most of my time at our second residence in Sandwich, New Hampshire. I rekindled my interest in photography. As with many people of my generation, I had to learn a new technology, the digital camera, and migrate to the new “darkroom,” the computer as image processor.
My development as a photographer has benefited enormously by the guidance, advice and encouragement of a small group of mentors with whom I have done workshops and tours, specifically Les Picker, Steve Simon, Bryan Peterson, Valerie Jardin and Alison Wright, who tragically died in 2022. These photographers helped me develop a working technical proficiency and develop my “eye.” As important as these leaders have been to my development as a photographer, the other participants in their workshops have been instrumental in providing support, guidance and friendship.
This website, like my photography, is a work in progress. The images shown will change over time as I pursue new photo adventures and continue to learn the art of creating images that stir the imagination.
If you have an interest in purchasing any photo or if you would like to view other photos within a genre, please contact me.
Tom Wilson